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Law Enforcement Testimonials

"In 2012/2013 I had the privilege of working both for, and with Seattle's Finest. As an employer I found the team of Raleigh and April (THE OWNERS) to be both professional and caring.  They treated their employees as family.  As a customer, Raleigh and his staff worked very hard to alleviate any concerns either I or the City Manager had in regards to our staff working outside of our jurisdiction.  As a Chief of Police for a small jurisdiction, it was nice to be able to offer this opportunity to my Officers.  We all appreciated the chance to expand our networking base.

From day one Seattle's Finest set clear expectations for the quality of work expected from their contracted staff, and they were not afraid to hold people accountable when they WERE not living up to those standards.  They have a desire to ensure the product for the customer, while at the same time protecting the staff of the contributing agency. 

If I were still in the position to provide staff to serve with Seattle's Finest, I would not have any reservations that Seattle's Finest had anything but the best interest of all parties involved IN MIND when making decisions."

                    - Chris L. Gaddis, former Chief of Police and Current Superior Court Administrator


I have worked with April and Raleigh and Seattle's Finest as a security consultant and traffic officer for 15 years.  We have worked closely with corporations, banks, attorneys and private individuals to provide security, training and consulting regarding their respective concerns.  Both Raleigh and April run an awesome company that really cares about their employees and the contracts they serve.  Thank you for the opportunity all these years to work with you in making this the premier security and traffic control business out there!

(Ret)Sgt. Frank Kampsen, Founding President
Washington State Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation (BtBF)
Law Enforcement Liaison, Concerns of Police Survivors


I am one of the lucky ones. I started working with Seattle's Finest when it first began. I was impressed with Raleigh Evans and his straight and honest approach. I had retired from SPD, and comparing the two was refreshing. Raleigh treated me as a person vs a liable issue.  He gave me the option of taking on a work load that fit my family schedule. The money was good so good in fact, that my savings allowed me to buy a second house in California. Thanks April and Raleigh, and thanks Seattle's Finest.

-Officer Aardahl 


I spent 20 years with Seattle PD. I enjoyed every minute I worked for SPD. However, I rarely got the feeling that I was actually accomplishing anything or making the slightest difference in the lives of the people I tried to help, except when I was working in the DARE program. Most others just didn't listen. Working with the contractors and clients of Seattle's Finest changed all that. And working with the folks at Seattle's Finest makes it all that much more enjoyable. When we show up at a work-site the contractors and clients not only must have us there (in most cases) but they actually want us there. They know that we can make a difference in their bottom line and make a difference in the overall safety at the site. The bottom line is the work we do for Seattle's Finest is necessary and has a profound affect on workplace safety everywhere we work. That gives me a great sense of accomplishment. 
I have been working traffic control jobs off and on for over 40 years. Some paid on time, some didn't. Some had a steady stream of work, others didn't. None had your back like Seattle's Finest. Seattle's Finest pays every two weeks and I have never found an error in my paycheck. Raleigh has developed strong relationships with the largest contractors and clients in the Seattle area and there is a steady stream of work. Their jobs website is user friendly and available 24/7.

-Retired SPD Officer Jeff Caldwell


"I want to sincerely thank you for the opportunity to work for Seattle's Finest. I have enjoyed every minute of my assignments. I have had a large amount of experience in the construction industry, and worked traffic control countless times during my time with the Seattle Police Department. It is a gift to be able to get back into what I love doing. I really enjoy working with the contractors and keeping them safe."

- Retired SPD Officer


Off-duty work through Seattle's Finest allows police officers and retired officers to gainfully work and be compensated consistently on-time and accurately.The scheduler, Pam Peloquin, posts jobs for companies, even when they are last minute, and gives us the chance to sign up when we are available to work. Her hard work and patience keeps us organized. When a company forgets to cancel us or double schedules us, Raleigh and April compensate us for showing up to work. In conclusion, Seattle's Finest is an outstanding company to work for and prevents us from having to turn to credit cards or the credit union to pay for unexpected bills or go into debt to go on vacation.

- Officer Robertson


At the urging of a fellow employee, I gave Seattle's Finest a call and it was the best post-retirement activity decision I've made.  After 32 years in law enforcement, I taught teen driving for ten years, but the travel time and work hours were not cost effective nor conducive to my life style.  The decision to work for Seattle's Finest was a no-brainer;  exceptional pay, setting one's own hours, and in my case, working with friends and acquaintances.  I've been able to not just supplement my retirement income but double it working part-time!  The extra income has helped me to travel and acquire things that were out of my prior reach.  If you don't mind traffic control and like working outside, then I recommend you give Seattle's Finest some serious consideration.  

- (ret.) Officer Gow


Seattle’s Finest is a first class organization. I appreciate the accessibility and professionalism of their personnel. As an officer, it is a blessing to be able to earn additional income to support the financial goals of my family. There is a strong camaraderie with other officers, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know many new people through the various jobs we’ve worked together. Thank you, Seattle’s Finest!

- Officer Phillips


I am a trooper in eastern Washington (Spokane). We do not have the opportunity for off duty work on this side of the state like the King County area. I make it over the mountain several times a year for these jobs and am very pleased with the hours, pay, and men and women I have worked with. I even met a new friend on a job site (a flagger) that rents a room to cops from out of town.  I now have a reasonable accommodation right in Seattle. The most powerful benefit has been the extra income. It is sending my wife and I to Africa and Dubai this year for a 2 week adventure!! I am grateful for all you do for us to provide this extra income, Job well done. Thank you Raleigh and April.

-Officer from WSP

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