We love being able to show off our amazing officers, and all that they do and experience throughout their day. So show off some of the highlights with some "Day in the Life" submissions! We want to see photos and videos of all the things you love about working for Seattle's Finest. Feel free to continually submit your content to us, there is no limit!
If you have a file larger than the max 15MB to upload here, no worries! Shoot an email to: sarah@seafinest.com with your submissions.
Ideas for submissions:
Photos or videos of you and your co-workers having fun on the job
Cool views or job sites that you are working
Creative photos or videos that you are proud of that you've taken while on the clock
Anything you think would be great to share on our website and social media!
Please only take photos or videos during downtime or during breaks; our first priority is your safety and the safety of those around you.
Keep it clean, folks!
No offensive photos or videos will be accepted
Only active/employed individuals of Seattle's Finest may submit
Suggestions for great photos and videos:
Make sure your camera lens is clean! Wipe off the lens prior to snapping a shot.
Tap your screen where you want the camera to focus
Avoid harsh shadows or dark lighting
Use the sun as backlighting and put your back to the sun when taking a photo if it is too bright
Use the 1/3 rule and break your photo into thirds. Put your main subject in one of those 3 spots to create a balanced look.